Phoenix Moon Coven has a dual mission, which is to grow and celebrate our witchcraft, through lunar ritual, and the Sabbats. In addition we are committed to teach the Craft to those who express a sincere interest and commitment.
Coven and Class Guidelines:
Classes meet monthly, and the coven meets fortnightly. All 8 Sabbats are celebrated with members of the teaching circle and coven, and lunar rituals are celebrated within the coven only.
Costs are partially defrayed by a £3.00 charge per member of the teaching circle and coven per month. There is never a charge for teaching other than student commitment and hard work.
Chemical use is not acceptable within Phoenix moon in circle, class, and the Cakes and Ale dinner after Sabbats. This includes alcohol to access. Wine is shared in the Great Rite in Token, although this can be modified if any members are in a twelve step program. Smoking is not allowed in circle, or in the outdoor temple at any time. There is a break period during class to allow smokers to have time to smoke, and cigarette litter is asked to be cleaned up, and disposed of.
Sexuality: The Great Rite in True is not practiced publically in this group.
Dress: We work robed or street-clothed depending on the locale, and the temperature, although there is a preferance for robes in ritual and festivals. Portions of initiation are skyclad.
Meeting place: In general we meet at the home of the High Priestess. We do take "field trips" to sacred sites, and other ritual locations upon occasion. Transport is arranged at the time.
Secrecy: We expect our names, addresses, and phone numbers to be kept confidential and only shared or used by circle members. In particular the address of the High Priestess must not be shared, as this is where ritual is held.
Craft names are used only in coven ritual, with initiates.
for more information, please contact