Classes with Phoenix Moon Coven


With anything in life, you get out of the training, what you put into it.  The training demands active participation, both by the preparation before class, and input during class.  Creative and original thought is expected, and you will often be challenged, on what you say and what you believe, because by being presented with a "devil's advocate" you are challenged to explore your "beliefs" more fully. The biggest characteristics a student needs are honesty with yourself and others, creativity, and willingness to grow.  There are no "right answers", rather more questions.

Class Information

Classes meet one Saturday afternoon per month for three hours from Imbolc to Yule for the first year.  In the second year, classes meet fortnightly.  There is no charge for esoteric teaching.  However, a nominal charge of £3.00 per class per member per month will be charged to partially defray expenses.  Subs will be due even if a member is absent in a given month.

Each class will consist of a spiritual and a practical element.  There will be written and practical homework assigned at each class, as well as a meditation topic.  Journals are required to be kept on the meditations, and homework, and are expected to be brought to each class.




Class Rules

 Punctuality and regular attendance is required in the classes, as each class builds on the last.  Students are expected to attend all classes, but in case of emergency, or conflict, they must contact one of the class leaders as much in advance as possible.  The homework and meditations are required, as is the journal keeping.  These need to be brought to each class.  Students must be a minimum age of 18 unless they are the child of a member who will be present at all classes.  It is preferred that students age 18-21 be living independently of their parents and either in full time education, or in employment. 


Although this is a rarity, sometimes members have been asked to leave the classes.  The following are reasons for dismissal:  Violation of the trust and sanctuary that is inherent in the Teaching Circle.  (Bitchcraft is NOT tolerated)  Missing two or more classes within the year without good reason, or repeated failure to do homework set.


All printed materials are COPYRIGHT PHOENIX MOON COVEN, and the property of Phoenix Moon coven.  These must be returned should a member leave the group.

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